
Oblivion Lyric - Bastille

Kali ini MY TOP SONGS LYRICS akan memberikan Oblivion Lyric - Bastille untuk anda pecinta musik. Oblivion menjadi videoklip keenam dari album Bad Blood, setelah sebelumnya Bastille mengeluarkan Videoklip Bad blood, Flaws
Laura parmer, Pompeii, dan Things We lost in the fire.Nama band rock asal London-Inggris ini mulai populer ketika album perdana mereka Bad Blood mampu merebut nominasi Brit Awards pada 2014 ceremony. dan berhasil membawa pulang satu piala untuk kategori British Breakthrough Act dari 4 nominasi, yaitu untuk kategori British Breakthrough Act, British Group, British Single of the Year dan British Album of the Year. 
Selain itu, nama Bastille pun semakin melambung ketika album Bad Blood yang di rilis pada maret hingga februari 2013 mampu terjual dengan 2,07 copy di Inggris saja.

Oblivion Lyric - Bastille

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When you fall asleep 
With your head upon my shoulder
When you're in my arms 
But you've gone somewhere deeper

Are you going to age with grace?
Are you going to age without mistakes?
Are you going to age with grace
Or only to wake and hide your face?

When oblivion is calling out your name
You always take it further than I ever can

When you play it hard
And I try to follow you there
It's not about control but I turn back 
When I see where you go

Are you going to age with grace?
Are you going to leave a path to trace?

But oblivion is calling out your name
You always take it further than I ever can

When oh oblivion is calling out your name
You always take it further than I ever can

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