
Goldberg Septett / Heribert Breuer / Ulrich Noethen GOLDBERG VARIATIONEN IM DIALOG MIT MONTAIGNE

Until 2010 Heribert Breuer was professor at the Universität der Künste Berlin. He teached theorie of music and choral conducting. His artistic actitivity appoints in both domains: as founder and director of the Berliner Bach Akademie and as arranger of music from Bach, Mozart and composers of romanticism. Meanwhile he distinguished with an immense number of adaptations for different instrumentations. The most popular ones are his version of the “Arpeggione-Sonate” of Franz Schubert (violoncello, windquintet) and Bach’s “The Art of Fugue” for four quartets. Heribert Breuer’s versions are inspired arrangements, often supplemented by more voices and they truly reflect the spirit of the compositions. His version of the last Contrapunctus of The Art of Fugue was performed at the opening of the Bach-Festival Leipzig in the Thomaskirche. Breuer's arrangement of the Goldberg-Variations for septet (string trio, woodwind trio and harp) was recently recorded by Deutschlandradio Kultur.
His career as organist led him to nearly all the spanish cathedrals. In 2016 he played in Sevilla and Malaga. The focus of his repertoire is Johann Sebastian Bach.

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